Writing CV


Queen’s University, BA Honours (Psychology), 1990-1994
University of New Brunswick, MA (Creative Writing & English
Literature), 2003-2006
University of Western Ontario, Master of Library & Information Science
(MLIS), 2007-2008
Mind-Body (Somatic) Certificate, The Embody Lab, 2024, ongoing.
Somatic Stress Release Certificate, The Embody Lab, 2024, ongoing.

Writing Awards

1st prize, Poetry London’s Annual Poetry Contest, 2009: “Thinning.”

Angela Ludan Levine Memorial Book Prize, UNB English Department, 2005,
awarded for “best creative work” at graduate level.

SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship for Creative Work on Poetry Thesis, 2005

2nd prize, Room of One’s Own Annual Poetry Competition, 2003: “Snow Stopped The Town.”

1st prize, Toronto Canadian Authors Association Short Story Competition, 2002: “Carnaby And Clover.”

Poetry Publications

“Easier.”  lichen Literary Journal.  4.1 (Spring 2002): 14.
“Second Thoughts.”  lichen Literary Journal. 4.1 (Spring 2002): 15.
“Snow Stopped The Town.”  Room of One’s Own.  26.4 (2003): 27-8.
“Hung Wedding Dress.”  The Fiddlehead.  No. 223 (Summer 2004): 45.
“Dusk.”  Event.  34.2 (2005): 28.
“Leaving Ontario.”  Event.  34.2 (2005): 29.
“Windows.” The Fiddlehead. No. 228 (Summer 2006): 80.
“Wintering.” The Fiddlehead. No. 228 (Summer 2006): 81.
“Gull Rock Fissure Vein, Keweenaw County.” The Fiddlehead. No. 228 (Summer 2006): 82-3.
“Riding the Train, Kingston to Port Hope.” The Harpweaver. 14 (2006): 56.
“Summer Photograph.” The Dalhousie Review. 87.3 (Autumn 2007): 365-366.
“The Dying Years.” The Dalhousie Review. 87.3 (Autumn 2007): 367.
“Sleepers.” Prairie Fire. 29.1 (April 2008): 31.
“Lucy, 1923, 10 years old.” Possessions: Eldon House Poems. (2010): 14-15.
“Three Horses.” Poetry in Motion. London Transit Commission, London, ON (April, 2011).
“Sparrow Speaks.” Nature Connections: A Writing Journal. Ed. Lynda Allison. (May 2024).
“Magnolia.” Nature Connections: A Writing Journal. Ed. Lynda Allison. (May 2024).

Book Publications

Where The Backroads Take You. Chapbook. Baseline Press. 2014.

Recent Poetry Readings

Q Lit Poetry Reading, Variety Cafe, London ON, November 18, 2023.
Antler River Press 20th Anniversary Celebration, TAP Centre for Creativity, London ON, June 27, 2024.
Queer Open Mic, Variety Cafe, London ON, June 28, 2024.